You asked the question which I answered. It seems you then promptly dismissed the answer because it did not conform to your point of view.
There could possibly be thousands of stocks that you could view as bad investments and yet you are the caped crusader against only 2. Not sure I understand that.
You seem to suggest that my posts are more powerful for drawing in buyers to TYTN than the hundreds of abusive posts against the stock every day intended to make those same buyers turn tail and run. Sorry. I'm not "buying" that.
As for the Jersey fellow. Madoff admitted guilt and was sent to jail. The Jersey fellow had admitted no guilt as of yet. Should he be found guilty they should lock him up and throw away the key. On that I agree. However he isn't guilty just because you say so. Innocent until proven guilty. It's the American way!
Finally there is the issue of the word "best" when it comes to me and TYTN. I have not, do not nor ever will use that word in reference to my investment in TYTN. And as always...............
To thine own self be true