#1 There is no crying in the stockmarket.
#2 I am responsible for my own choices-Please refer to #1
#3 I am not responsible for anyone elses choices-Please refer to #1
#4 Because it is my money I am allowed to do whatever I wish with it-Please refer to #1
#5 This is just a hobby. I am not qualified to lead anyone and I do not attempt to do so-We are done refering to #1 now
Yeah Yeah Yeah......
The true bottom line is ...This company has been a bad investment short a manipulated messgeboard Pump n Dump in May of 2011....
Whatever one needs to justify its existance is it's own tool, the continued preach of tools/self descript end use of said tools is either spam or preaching IMO. Keep selling and eventually it's bought..
Now, is calling a spade for a spade considered "crying"? Look at that Jersey slime "above the law" dik.. So far that scammer *$#*$ed almost as many as Madoff did yet the Jersey boy is still free.
Many said it was a "hobby" sumthin ta do as how many millions was "poofed" from the legend..
I am one that believes and will defend everyones ability and full freedom to state any case... I watch as you every now and then get a "what fer" on "da darkside"... But, I still cannot condone the idea of continued "best" and "ever" from a supposed "student"... I see no "student" thru the messages posted. A student doesnt maintain their base for their base is ever changing.
Good Luck Old Timer!