Posted On: 02/15/2015 10:59:45 AM
Post# of 43065
always worth noting when *crew* >> there >> diverts and deflects
specific to trying to *create* new talking points (remember mkt is
closed on Monday)
we have this post this morning ..
buenokite Sunday, 02/15/15 10:35:39 AM
Re: Rakestar post# 278792
Post # of 278801
TRTN/JBII/PTOI has followed the mold of USSE/SSTP very nicely. Sure TRTN/JBII/PTOI never got a deal with Borneo Oil that "validated" it like USSE/SSTP but pretty much the script has been followed hook, line, and sinker. So some of the details vary but this scam is essentially the same. I would encourage all investors of PTOI to look at SSTP/USSE as a comparison.
The CEO of that company Rivera also had a secret catalyst for his process. And like TRTN/JBII/PTOI the tale took many twists and turns over the years keeping investors on the hook. He even had tours of the plant where many came back with breathless reports of the machines working wonderfully!!!!
Even better Rivera even had a lab that did testing called AmSpec (the role IsleChem plays for JBII). And with USSE/SSTP the tactic used was if anybody ever questioned the process on social media, the quick response was AmSpec validated it!!! Woot!!! Woot!!!! Now like I said USSE/SSTP even had a big deal with Borneo Oil to the point Borneo took a position in USSE/SSTP. Sadly USSE/SSTP ended in disaster.
So this path has been traveled before and I admit PTOI has added a few variations but it is essentially the same exact approach. Both companies had fake deals like PTOI's fake 45 site deal in Fla., the completely fake P20 ship deal with Heddle, and now the wonderful EcoNavigation deal. Compare Borneo Oil to EcoNavigation and you can tell this scam is in dire need of a story change.
All this to say there will be periodic spikes with PTOI just like with USSE/SSTP where those in the know and those with free shares will make good money by quickly selling into any volume/price spike. And like USSE/SSTP it will all be blamed on nefarious market makers. At the end of the day these scams leave the average investor holding the bag.
not being familiar with the above company .. i did a quick *search* to see what
*popped* >> there
imagine >> a board created whose primary is the originator of Depo Gate on 5.1.13
think there isn't *overlap* over the last 15 years via the vehicle of choice for OTC
stock manipulation ..
yeah ..
oh and check this post out from the same *board* .. and note the date
btw .. this post isn't validating the company *noted* via these 2 posts
it may well have been a scam orchestrated by both PRO/CON side
for said cycle of money .. by a serial bad actor (as the dolts refer to them)
my point is to show >> *overlap* of crews >> specific to cycles of money
and why the CON side CANT slither away re: PTOI ..
PaperProphet Sunday, 02/25/07 02:32:26 PM
Re: Support USA Now post# 5
Post # of 249
Re:<You must be kidding, get a life! USSE/SSTP is 100% legit.>
Let's recap USSE's situation...
- USSE's statement of value is that they can get five gallons of BIOFUEL from a bushel of soybeans where everyone else can only get 1.5 gallons of BIODIESEL. A statement which says absolutely nothing. Company refuses to make direct statements of the viability of the fuel as diesel.
- USSE faked having an agreement with Oppenheimer for financing late last year.
- Claimed that Turnkey, the company headed by Mr. Davis, was the joint venture partner of Pratt & Whitney. P&W denied any relationship with Turnkey whatsoever
- Said revenues would come in eight to ten weeks--that was stated in October.
- Pays the moderator to keep the IHub USSE board to minimize negativity (moderator got 100,000 restricted shares justfor being a moderator per his own admission.)
- claims products from their pyrolysis-type process totaling about 950,000 BTU from a bushel of soybeans. A standard bushel of soybeans only contains 534,000 BTU to start. Violates conservation of energy law if true.
- Company spokesperson who also posts on USSE board refuses to answer why they claim more BTU's from a bushel of soybeans than is physically possible.
- Company claims to be focusing on electrical power production but, per e-mail with company spokesperson, the company has done no empirical testing to determine how much electrical or mechanical energy can be obtained from a bushel of soybeans.
- Even though the company can't even tell anyone how much electrical energy can be obtained from a bushel of soybeans, they claim to have potential customers inundating them with interest and USSE claims to be considering building large power plants to run off their fuel--a step which fools many shareholders into believing they already have a commercially viable product.
For SSTP, they were conjured out of thin air by USSE and the company doesn't indicate there are any assets whatsoever in SSTP. SSTP is trading at $0.21 and will have at least as many shares as USSE since the dividend is supposed to be 1 for 1. That makes a market cap of about $140,000,000 for a company which doesn't seem to have any assets. When those dividend shares start trading, SSTP will probably take a tumble.
specific to trying to *create* new talking points (remember mkt is
closed on Monday)
we have this post this morning ..
buenokite Sunday, 02/15/15 10:35:39 AM
Re: Rakestar post# 278792
Post # of 278801
TRTN/JBII/PTOI has followed the mold of USSE/SSTP very nicely. Sure TRTN/JBII/PTOI never got a deal with Borneo Oil that "validated" it like USSE/SSTP but pretty much the script has been followed hook, line, and sinker. So some of the details vary but this scam is essentially the same. I would encourage all investors of PTOI to look at SSTP/USSE as a comparison.
The CEO of that company Rivera also had a secret catalyst for his process. And like TRTN/JBII/PTOI the tale took many twists and turns over the years keeping investors on the hook. He even had tours of the plant where many came back with breathless reports of the machines working wonderfully!!!!
Even better Rivera even had a lab that did testing called AmSpec (the role IsleChem plays for JBII). And with USSE/SSTP the tactic used was if anybody ever questioned the process on social media, the quick response was AmSpec validated it!!! Woot!!! Woot!!!! Now like I said USSE/SSTP even had a big deal with Borneo Oil to the point Borneo took a position in USSE/SSTP. Sadly USSE/SSTP ended in disaster.
So this path has been traveled before and I admit PTOI has added a few variations but it is essentially the same exact approach. Both companies had fake deals like PTOI's fake 45 site deal in Fla., the completely fake P20 ship deal with Heddle, and now the wonderful EcoNavigation deal. Compare Borneo Oil to EcoNavigation and you can tell this scam is in dire need of a story change.
All this to say there will be periodic spikes with PTOI just like with USSE/SSTP where those in the know and those with free shares will make good money by quickly selling into any volume/price spike. And like USSE/SSTP it will all be blamed on nefarious market makers. At the end of the day these scams leave the average investor holding the bag.
not being familiar with the above company .. i did a quick *search* to see what
*popped* >> there
imagine >> a board created whose primary is the originator of Depo Gate on 5.1.13
think there isn't *overlap* over the last 15 years via the vehicle of choice for OTC
stock manipulation ..
yeah ..
oh and check this post out from the same *board* .. and note the date
btw .. this post isn't validating the company *noted* via these 2 posts
it may well have been a scam orchestrated by both PRO/CON side
for said cycle of money .. by a serial bad actor (as the dolts refer to them)
my point is to show >> *overlap* of crews >> specific to cycles of money
and why the CON side CANT slither away re: PTOI ..
PaperProphet Sunday, 02/25/07 02:32:26 PM
Re: Support USA Now post# 5
Post # of 249
Re:<You must be kidding, get a life! USSE/SSTP is 100% legit.>
Let's recap USSE's situation...
- USSE's statement of value is that they can get five gallons of BIOFUEL from a bushel of soybeans where everyone else can only get 1.5 gallons of BIODIESEL. A statement which says absolutely nothing. Company refuses to make direct statements of the viability of the fuel as diesel.
- USSE faked having an agreement with Oppenheimer for financing late last year.
- Claimed that Turnkey, the company headed by Mr. Davis, was the joint venture partner of Pratt & Whitney. P&W denied any relationship with Turnkey whatsoever
- Said revenues would come in eight to ten weeks--that was stated in October.
- Pays the moderator to keep the IHub USSE board to minimize negativity (moderator got 100,000 restricted shares justfor being a moderator per his own admission.)
- claims products from their pyrolysis-type process totaling about 950,000 BTU from a bushel of soybeans. A standard bushel of soybeans only contains 534,000 BTU to start. Violates conservation of energy law if true.
- Company spokesperson who also posts on USSE board refuses to answer why they claim more BTU's from a bushel of soybeans than is physically possible.
- Company claims to be focusing on electrical power production but, per e-mail with company spokesperson, the company has done no empirical testing to determine how much electrical or mechanical energy can be obtained from a bushel of soybeans.
- Even though the company can't even tell anyone how much electrical energy can be obtained from a bushel of soybeans, they claim to have potential customers inundating them with interest and USSE claims to be considering building large power plants to run off their fuel--a step which fools many shareholders into believing they already have a commercially viable product.
For SSTP, they were conjured out of thin air by USSE and the company doesn't indicate there are any assets whatsoever in SSTP. SSTP is trading at $0.21 and will have at least as many shares as USSE since the dividend is supposed to be 1 for 1. That makes a market cap of about $140,000,000 for a company which doesn't seem to have any assets. When those dividend shares start trading, SSTP will probably take a tumble.
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