$TYTN "CEO Mailbag" April Update and R/S info
April 3rd 2012
Q: How are the Dealerships stacking up now with Tytan ? Are any of the dealerships you had with Rhino involved with Tytan now?
How many do you think you may have by end of 2012?
A: Sales from January 1 to December 31, 2011 grew steadily worse throughout the year for most all of the Dealers we constantly talk with. Our sales were equally poor. All of the States have almost exactly the same Dealer Buy Back laws. These laws were originally made to protect Dealers from a mfg cutting them off after thirty years of building a parts and tractor inventory. However, it now is a danger for Tractor companies, especially in hard economic times. Essentially the dealers can require the mfg to buy Tractors back if they don’t sell, including parts, and sometimes for more than purchase price. In light of this, we decided to wait for safer timing or better economic times. Montana Tractors was hurt badly with this in the last two years. We did not want to launch our Dealer program and have several failures right off the starting line. We have had several other important things to work on in the meantime.
Since January 1, 2012 Sales have picked up nicely. Dealer packets are now prepared and going out. We have had numerous inquiries. Many of the original Rhino dealers are still out there and we communicate with them quite often. We expect many of the previous Rhino dealers to get back on board with Tytan, once they see the new products for themselves. The sales climate has become much better for adding dealers now that the economic environment has improved.
Q: The First Tractor Co.(YTO) is a huge entity that ,as you know, not only deals with tractors , but forklifts, mining trucks and other machinery . Do you see Tytan dealing with any of this in the future?
A: YTO is a great company with lots of resources. They have been purchasing many companies worldwide and within China recently. Our focus & first goals are in the tractor business. With Rhino, I had purchased forklifts and other types of products. I soon realized that they each required a lot of specialized knowledge and different customer, as well as parts inventory. I felt we spread ourselves too thin. My goal with Tytan is to be the best at one thing at a time. I believe you will see this in some new developments shortly. YTO understands that the benefits of two talents helping each other, can get both much farther ahead then they can do on their own. We have been long time friends with them. We do have our eye on other product lines of YTOs, other than Tractors in the future.
Q: “How are you doing? I know it is not always an easy task to deal with the legal end of building a public business, and I'm sure that the outside forces that would rather have you not succeed only make it harder ".
A: Things are coming along nicely on several fronts. Usually the so called "outside forces”, as you call them are only mouth pieces and have nothing going for themselves. If they did have much going, they would not be spending much time trying to trip us up. I do not spend my time trying to do anyone harm. I do not have enough time to get all of the positive projects done in the time frame I want to, as it is now.
Q: “I do not wish to come across as harsh. Business is business, however and when it comes to money I prefer my CEO "man up" as they say and "deliver on his words and promises". How is it coming?”
A: You is exactly right! Business IS Business. My job is to do one thing and that is to make Tytan successful. This economy has thrown a monkey wrench into most of our efforts, as it has for the Ag Industry and most fields where the products value is over a few hundred dollars. It has slowed things up that I wanted to achieve sooner. Keep in mind many of our projects involve suppliers and other sources too that have been affected. Please understand that most all of the earlier announcements that have not reached the goal level that we were seeking, are still things that we are working to achieve. Most are at different stages and most are progressing. As I have mentioned in a radio talk show in the past, we have certain hurdles that we must get over and then things will go much faster.
Q: "Now that YTO verified they indeed are working with Tytan, I know that your efforts are focused on building and growing this business. So contacting YTO on my part was not trying to extract information or cause tensions ".
A: I realize many people do not have bad intentions. Contacting any of the below parties who are under contract with Tytan is off limits. Tytan will make public information when the proper time arises and not before. It was not our intention to announce any agreements with YTO at this particular time ,due to other market factors. This "verification" comment came from the Shareholder contacting YTO. Tytan's suppliers, reps, employees, dealerships, distributorships or directors of Tytan , are not obligated , nor do they want to be contacted by shareholders. They feel extremely uncomfortable due to the dangers of wrong information being put into the market place. They also feel their privacy has been violated. If you have questions that involve these people, all inquires must come through Tytan. In the past we have only warned parties engaged in this. In some cases these past actions have caused Tytan harm. This has halted Tytan being able to mention other Companies who it is also working closely with. Tytan will not be that soft on this issue in the future. We have tried to provide accurate pictures and news of our trips and progress. If you cannot abide by this rule, I suggest you move on to another stock that will give you the comfort level you are seeking.
Source http://www.tytantractor.com/NEWScorp.html
> Previous "CEO Mailbags" below of March 20 & February 27 2012
> R/S is OFFICIAL announced to be effective on April 4th
there is several examples of R/S beeing positive also the most common scenarios while the "D" is on.