Let's talk truth:
Why [have] "NOQUIT and others recognize they have put nooses around their own necks,and NOQUIT for one is obviously shaken to his core now that he is caught in his own rhetoric"?
What is the assumption here? That they are short? If so why this characterization? Have they not made a great deal of money? Is the price not as low as it could go before being bidless? Couldn't they simply cover even if they take the price to $001 as a result, will they not have made an incredibly healthy return?
Now, from Marks side has he not sold innuendo before? Privately e-mailed select shareholders encouraging them? Telling them what they want to hear for years now? And, all of his efforts have led the company where? What's changed?
Is it soothing to believe something that has little connection to reality? Hasn't Tytan been down this road before? Expectations, poor communications, empty promises.....such that if shorts are to blame here, what's being done about them? Why aren't they frightened such that actions are taken to support the rhetoric? Where's the covering? Where's the mass volume buying to get out before they "get slaughtered"? Make no mistake about it, shorts are well capitalized, funded, smart and have access to tools and info the avg retail investor does not.
So far, a great deal of what I've read comes across as cheerleading, biased, unsubstantiated tales that are not grounded in facts (or the actions that would speak with, for, or match, the words). The same is true for Mark as is true for this perception that "shorts" are losing it. Not accurate imho. And let's just stick to facts that dispute these claims. As in, show me where I'm wrong. Thanks!