It is absolutely apparent now that NOQUIT and others recognize they have put nooses around their own necks,and NOQUIT for one is obviously shaken to his core now that he is caught in his own rhetoric.
We all need to keep the pressure on at DarkLub, when the house of cards comes down they will all get caught and dealt with appropriately.
Go Mark! Camp#2 has always been behind you, not always thrilled with Mark but still behind his efforts and supportive. IMO Mark will eventually reach out to us and be more forth coming. He has trust issues and rightfully so.
Thanks to the admin here for a truly open forum built upon the right principles, we just need to be vigilant and not let things get out of control. We should be able to monitor ourselves and deal with rabelrousers as they come and go, the truth, if not deleted, is a powerful tool.
Camp#2 VL&S