That is why I am raising my concerns to discuss them here. So we can discuss them and possibly come to a better understanding. It sounds like I may not actually understand the nature of dilution as well as you. I have heard very few discuss the Socius deal as a good one other than to have spare capital on hand. I get that part. I assume the Socius deal adds additional shares to the float and makes it harder for the PPS to climb on existing or later revenue? Please correct me if I'm wrong. They will not be purchasing shares existing in the current market. They are purchasing shares and those shares will then be added to the existing float. That doesn't exactly sound good to me. Now I can appreciate I may not understand the situation as you do. That is why I am raising it to discuss further.
I do not find discussing dilution as bizarre. I find it trying to be as informed as I can. I am not bashing the company in the process as happens when discussing dilution 90% of the time. I am not in that crowd.
The Novel deal does not add additional shares and so to me this makes more intuitive sense. I'm open to learning how to understand the math however.