I see why you would think this was a statement but when I was writing it I was thinking the first part was a question and the second part was suppose to read something more along the lines of another question.
"Why do you think the name change is coming? Its so when people look up the company they don't see all the negative stuff ICPA has done in the past."...
It should have read more like this, "Is it so when people look up the company they don't see all the negative things ICPA has done in the past?"
Which I already discussed with Steve and I do see the other implications of the name change. I just truly didn't understand the name change when originally I invested here a over a year ago because of the idea of the website and us turning into a production studio...I guess I just got caught up in the idea of owning a TV network verses why I actually invested here in the first place.
Like I have said in the past and still remain believing, I love the idea of this company but I am not liking the direction I see us heading in based on the Q's. We all keep saying the next Q will be better and I truly hope that is the case in Q4. It will at least renew my faith in management but until then I feel like we should all keep asking the hard questions.
Maybe I am just sour but when I support a stock all the way up trying to help support lines and spending more money on shares than I would have liked for the betterment of my portfolio and then I read a Q that shows me I shouldn't have been doing that.
It really makes me question things going on now BUT make no mistake I am a REAL shareholder and I know for a fact I own more shares than most here and am not trying to hurt my own stock.