"Are you implying I am not a REAL shareholder? Why? Because I have questions..."...
My comments were general in nature, but questions like "Why do you think the name change is coming? Its so when people look up the company they don't see all the negative stuff ICPA has done in the past."... The first part could be considered a question, however when you follow it up with your own negative answer (actually an opinion disguised as an factual answer), hopefully you can understand how some could misunderstand your intentions. Following a question with your own negative personal opinion turns the entire "question" into a statement.
My basic premise for using the word "real" shareholder is... it seems totally incomprehensible that anyone invested in the stock... would speak publicly negative about the stock. Anyone, should understand that negative unsubstantiated comments like I quoted above are damaging to the PPS. Its like trying to sell your car, and when a potential buyer shows up, you tell them what a POS the car is. It is just simply counterproductive to bash something you want to sell. (and don't confuse the above with intentional misrepresentation... i.e. lying to cover up something).
"You don't have to agree with what I am saying but I have the right to express how I am feeling now."...
You certainly do... but likewise, I have the same right as you to post my observations and opinions about comments I see posted.
"Also bashing does not bring down a stock..."...
We simply disagree on this point. Using the car analogy above, do you really believe talking negatively about something you're selling (and make no mistake about it, all stockholders are selling the stock at some point) will not negatively impact the sales price ???
"They also are not going to not buy a stock because they see a basher or two..." ...
Everyone knows... its not just 1 or 2 bashers bashing this company and CEO. The bashing is constant, and excessive, by multiple bashers, on multiple message boards, using multiple aliases. Hammering over and over again the same tired old dis-proven issues, using every slant and misrepresentation possible in an effort to bring down this company. AND... in my opinion, the worst offenders are the ones who were previously supporters of the company, turning to bashers because they lost money on the stock. They are pissed now and its their mission to destroy the stock like it destroyed them (in their minds). And equally as bad are those that still own shares but don't understand that bashing by shareholders sends a (hidden and perhaps unintentional) message to potential and weak shareholders to stay away or you will get burned like they did.
"This will be my last post around here if I can not point out the bad and you guys want sugar coated cookies. I want truths and facts but that might be too much for people to handle at the moment..." ...
Look... no one can stop you from posting "the bad" if you are so inclined to do so. But don't fool yourself into thinking you are doing good by doing so. AND... no one, especially me, is saying don't ask the hard questions. I would remind you that it was I who compiled and posted the long list of questions for Steve to answer. I would just remind EVERYONE who is inclined to post negative personal unsubstantiated opinion in the heat of frustration over being underwater on your investment... about the car analogy above. The public venting of your frustrations and anger are not only hurting yourself, but other investors also.
And... I would also issue a "call to arms" as they say, to all investors - call out the bashers whenever possible. Many are disappointed that Steve goes to the lions den to address the misrepresentation over there, however in my opinion he is doing exactly what all investors should be doing... setting the record straight, and not letting misrepresentations and outright lies stand as fact for potential and weak investors to base their investing decisions on. When the lies go unchallenged... all investors lose.
Remember... "
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)