Posted On: 09/03/2014 8:00:11 PM
Post# of 17862

Not sure if anyone has seen this but this is the first time I have... some very interesting sentences in there...
Published On: Sat, Jun 22nd, 2013 From the Editors Desk | By Eneja Madera
In Pursuit of the ‘Perfect Moment’
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Novelist Katrina Onstad deeply inspired me today. I was reading the paper when I came across an article she penned, “In Pursuit of Liquid Enlightenment.” Now… if by chance curiosity brings you to take a gander, I wish not to give you the wrong impression of me. I am not scouring the earth looking for a mystic ‘high,’ as much as I am on the hunt for that ‘perfect moment.’
What she said to elicit my desire to write today was, “I vacillated between thrilled and petrified, joyful and pukey, which meant that it was happening: I was sucking out all of the marrow of life! This was officially an adventure! To turn it into what Spalding Gray called a ‘perfect moment,’ I needed only a ….,” and there it hit me; as I completed the sentence with my own “…concession.” “…I needed only” a concession.
“I vacillated between thrilled and petrified, joyful and pukey, which meant that it was happening: I was sucking out all of the marrow of life! This was officially an adventure! To turn it into what Spalding Gray called a ‘perfect moment,’ I needed only ‘a concession,’ the great white whale of my ‘amazing underwater wood harvesting pursuits.’”
You see, I am a shareholder and investor in a little emerging gem called Hollund Industrial Marine. Moreover, I work closely with the company on a day to day basis and have gotten the opportunity to see it all.
This is why Onstads words spoke to me. “I vacillated between thrilled and petrified,” she writes. This is my very feeling. Each day when I wake, I so luckily begin the day working with a group of people who are super passionate and well learned in ‘woodsmenship;’ each of them having pounded on their craft for years – some since adolescence. And they hail from a community of trendsetters within this field. Triton Logging. CoastEcoTimber. How could I not be thrilled about soon becoming the Leader amongst the trendsetters?
Petrified? Absolutely! When I wake to begin the work day, I know that today is another opportunity for fear and scarcity to set in. An opportunity for unwarranted but very real feelings of incompetence and inadequateness to become the de-motivating virus in our mission.
Joyful? How could you not be? To be sitting at the shore watching the beauty of life unfold, knowing there is a peace waiting for you in the twilight of success.
Pukey… lol. For sure. To come this far and ‘appear’ to the rest of the world that we are miles away [?]. And, quite honestly, with one misstep, could actually end up there [miles away], makes me want to vomit!
But Katrina was right. This is when you know it is happening. When you are grinding so hard, that you begin to suck all of the marrow out of life! Because you know that this is it! You don’t save anything for the swim back. There isn’t a Plan B. You live and die with the plan A. And building Hollund Industrial Marine is the only plan we have.
This is indeed an adventure. One of the best adventures I have personally ever been on.
I’ve had the opportunity to travel into Central and South Americas. I’ve gotten the opportunity to rub elbows with some of the wealthiest families in some of those lands. I’ve established political friendships. I’ve seen some of the great marvels of engineering from a perspective most do not. Was mistook for a “John” and My Love… a Prostitute (Don’t know… either she’s that hot or I’m that undeserving looking). Sat around the preverbal campfire and bonded with extraordinary woodsmen from Canada, America and Latin America through music and song. And yes… the tale wouldn’t be true if I didn’t get down right sick up in them mountains while surveying lake filled trees. I’m a city boy. What in the heck was I doing on the side of a mountain surveying lake filled trees?
I was on the hunt. Looking for, as Spalding Gray called it, that ‘perfect moment;’ the great white whale of our pursuit to build Hollund Industrial Marine into the premier underwater wood harvesting company of the world. A Concession!
We began our quest in one part of Latin America… where things were familiar. Places where our strategic partners had experience testing the AR60 over a four year period – knocking out the kinks in the TigerLynk – managing to harvest about one million board feet of valuable timber during the testing period. We later, and unexpectedly, found ourselves in two places that would have been anyone’s guess. And the competition doesn’t even know we’re there.
I’m both thrilled and petrified as this is all that is left of us to do. To secure a concession!
This is not to say it will be smooth sailing from there going forward, but, let’s face it. When you’re a home owner, you tend to get much more respect from your local Bank then when you are a renter; especially when your home is worth a few million dollars. But when you are a land and waterway owner, with miles of resource rich property valued in the cool eight figures, you become a treasure on a global scale.
While I’m dying to let the cat out of the bag, I know it may only cause damage to our currently stealth position, which is allowing lobbyist and negotiators to bring the first leg of our quest to a rapid close. But for all of the adventure I and everyone involved have endured – management, associates, consultants, partners, wives, children, girlfriends, friends, and yes… even loyal shareholders – this month we really get to feel it.
This month we smile. We cry. We get to stand in disbelief, awe, befuddlement, amazement, admiration, ambition, excitement. This month you get to feel whatever it is you will be feeling at that ‘very moment.’
Y’know… that ‘Perfect Moment’
Published On: Sat, Jun 22nd, 2013 From the Editors Desk | By Eneja Madera
In Pursuit of the ‘Perfect Moment’
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Novelist Katrina Onstad deeply inspired me today. I was reading the paper when I came across an article she penned, “In Pursuit of Liquid Enlightenment.” Now… if by chance curiosity brings you to take a gander, I wish not to give you the wrong impression of me. I am not scouring the earth looking for a mystic ‘high,’ as much as I am on the hunt for that ‘perfect moment.’
What she said to elicit my desire to write today was, “I vacillated between thrilled and petrified, joyful and pukey, which meant that it was happening: I was sucking out all of the marrow of life! This was officially an adventure! To turn it into what Spalding Gray called a ‘perfect moment,’ I needed only a ….,” and there it hit me; as I completed the sentence with my own “…concession.” “…I needed only” a concession.
“I vacillated between thrilled and petrified, joyful and pukey, which meant that it was happening: I was sucking out all of the marrow of life! This was officially an adventure! To turn it into what Spalding Gray called a ‘perfect moment,’ I needed only ‘a concession,’ the great white whale of my ‘amazing underwater wood harvesting pursuits.’”
You see, I am a shareholder and investor in a little emerging gem called Hollund Industrial Marine. Moreover, I work closely with the company on a day to day basis and have gotten the opportunity to see it all.
This is why Onstads words spoke to me. “I vacillated between thrilled and petrified,” she writes. This is my very feeling. Each day when I wake, I so luckily begin the day working with a group of people who are super passionate and well learned in ‘woodsmenship;’ each of them having pounded on their craft for years – some since adolescence. And they hail from a community of trendsetters within this field. Triton Logging. CoastEcoTimber. How could I not be thrilled about soon becoming the Leader amongst the trendsetters?
Petrified? Absolutely! When I wake to begin the work day, I know that today is another opportunity for fear and scarcity to set in. An opportunity for unwarranted but very real feelings of incompetence and inadequateness to become the de-motivating virus in our mission.
Joyful? How could you not be? To be sitting at the shore watching the beauty of life unfold, knowing there is a peace waiting for you in the twilight of success.
Pukey… lol. For sure. To come this far and ‘appear’ to the rest of the world that we are miles away [?]. And, quite honestly, with one misstep, could actually end up there [miles away], makes me want to vomit!
But Katrina was right. This is when you know it is happening. When you are grinding so hard, that you begin to suck all of the marrow out of life! Because you know that this is it! You don’t save anything for the swim back. There isn’t a Plan B. You live and die with the plan A. And building Hollund Industrial Marine is the only plan we have.
This is indeed an adventure. One of the best adventures I have personally ever been on.
I’ve had the opportunity to travel into Central and South Americas. I’ve gotten the opportunity to rub elbows with some of the wealthiest families in some of those lands. I’ve established political friendships. I’ve seen some of the great marvels of engineering from a perspective most do not. Was mistook for a “John” and My Love… a Prostitute (Don’t know… either she’s that hot or I’m that undeserving looking). Sat around the preverbal campfire and bonded with extraordinary woodsmen from Canada, America and Latin America through music and song. And yes… the tale wouldn’t be true if I didn’t get down right sick up in them mountains while surveying lake filled trees. I’m a city boy. What in the heck was I doing on the side of a mountain surveying lake filled trees?
I was on the hunt. Looking for, as Spalding Gray called it, that ‘perfect moment;’ the great white whale of our pursuit to build Hollund Industrial Marine into the premier underwater wood harvesting company of the world. A Concession!
We began our quest in one part of Latin America… where things were familiar. Places where our strategic partners had experience testing the AR60 over a four year period – knocking out the kinks in the TigerLynk – managing to harvest about one million board feet of valuable timber during the testing period. We later, and unexpectedly, found ourselves in two places that would have been anyone’s guess. And the competition doesn’t even know we’re there.
I’m both thrilled and petrified as this is all that is left of us to do. To secure a concession!
This is not to say it will be smooth sailing from there going forward, but, let’s face it. When you’re a home owner, you tend to get much more respect from your local Bank then when you are a renter; especially when your home is worth a few million dollars. But when you are a land and waterway owner, with miles of resource rich property valued in the cool eight figures, you become a treasure on a global scale.
While I’m dying to let the cat out of the bag, I know it may only cause damage to our currently stealth position, which is allowing lobbyist and negotiators to bring the first leg of our quest to a rapid close. But for all of the adventure I and everyone involved have endured – management, associates, consultants, partners, wives, children, girlfriends, friends, and yes… even loyal shareholders – this month we really get to feel it.
This month we smile. We cry. We get to stand in disbelief, awe, befuddlement, amazement, admiration, ambition, excitement. This month you get to feel whatever it is you will be feeling at that ‘very moment.’
Y’know… that ‘Perfect Moment’

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