Let me start off by saying I'm a proactive investor in TECO. I go to the sites and I view what's going on. TECO has been kind enough to give me full access when possible.
I have been on our leases in East Texas. They sit close to the boarder, Louisiana/Texas. We are in the drilling zone on the Haynesville Shale deposit . I spent a few days Center TX. There at the Holiday Inn where we stayed were crews supporting the drilling in the area. Around 40-50 men working in just support of some local drilling on the Haynesville Shale project. They were all working on gas wells with extreme pressure. The area is booming with new exploration. Most of these guys were from the South.
It's currently beyond our means to begin an operation like a drill on a Haynesville Shale. I'm quite sure that we are in the red zone as far as location of our leases. I haven't heard of TECO moving in that direction but it wouldn't surprise me one bit.
We don't know what the future holds on TECO, but you can count on some surprises when Andrew is working.