I don't know much about penny stocks, but my common sense tells me that too much expectation is going to give you a headache. I've been frustated, I sold one mmj stocks for a slight gain at .05 to buy more rfmk at 0025. The other stock went staight to .12, and rfmk went to 0017. WTF? That wasn't supposed to happen. If only we all had that crystal ball, at this level you need one or you just have to believe.
"I agree that the corp is in its infancy but growing rapidly. At the same time though, there is a saying, "sometimes you have to run before you can walk", which has its place in a certain context. I think Cheryl Shuman has been a MAJOR catalyst for the growth path for RFMK and her being on board with the company is HUGE and investors should be thanking their lucky stars for that."
"Hopefully we will get answers soon but the key for investors is to not allow the wild silly PK fluctuations of the stock which are meaningless to alter their long term sentiment for the potential for the corp."
Thanks, Yoda, as always.