I agree for the most part. Obviously we all realize there have been delays in much of what the CEO has promised of late. We have held long and been dissapointed in the toxic funders dumping on the stock sending the PPS into fits of volatility ending up earlier in the summer in the triple zero ranges, under par value. Now the stock sits in limbo between par value and the 200 day moving average, looking like the market is awaiting some real developments, not just weekly news or updates. I think there is a feeling among RFMK followers that there could be a pivotal point for the corp and so the stock coming soon. In weeks or months, either nothing that was promised ever comes, or it is all delivered by management. I happen to think, based on prior history, that although the CEO makes the mistake of over promising on the schedule of things to come and then dissapoints on the timing of developments, the things that are promised do eventually come. Thus in my opinion, I think the 10K is filed and very soon the 20k unit inventory comes as well, as promised. Who knows as to the timing of such developments but I think every shareholders patience is being tested. I know even for myself there were times when I complained that things were not happening as quickly as we expected. But we have come to realize that such things in business are often out of the hands of management. They are not able to tell you the exact date and time the inventory will arrive from China, they cannot tell you the exact date and time the independent auditors will complete their audit and they cannot tell you exactly when certain other business arrangements will come to fruition because in business many things that the growing business depends on are out of your immediate control. We just need to be patient and allow management to run the business. Though as always I will say the only major requirement shareholders need is transparency and that comes in the form of filings like the promised audited 10K, which hopefully will be coming soon.
I think TopDog makes a good point about the small amount of time Mr Allinder has been CEO and all the accomplishments in the corp thus far. I think we are often dissapointed mainly on our expectations on the timing of developments which cause us to raise doubts, rather than on the eventual developments themselves. I think too many shareholders allow the "letdowns" on the timing of developments have an equal weighting in their minds with the actual accomplishments and this is wrong. Shareholders should NOT weigh equally the dissapointments as to the exact timing (delays) of developments with the actual developments themselves, whether there was success or failure with that particular business development. If A is promised at time T, but A is accomplished at time T+1 (eventually), the dissapointment about the amount of the delay should not exactly cancel the positive of A getting accomplished! In this way I think the market is rather fickle and for most PK stocks there are often many who follow the stories and just want to keep the stocks at arms length, (only getting in when they think there is going to be a "run" and getting out for small gains, hoping to get back in "when it goes back" down); forgetting that they make assumptions that it will necessarily ever go back down to the levels at which they wish to reload. There is a tendency among PK traders to flip these plays. This kind of mentality typically follows in those who appear to flip flop between thinking the corp is a scam and the corp is "going to $1"!!! Such is typical in the pink sheets.
I do NOT think that there "...has been way too much hype from posters on both boards..". I cannot speak for the other board but IMO here on IH there is really no "hype" from posters, I take offence at that statement. This is a place for all real RFMK followers, supporters and shareholders to discuss openly the pros and cons of RFMK as an investment and an operating company. It is not in existence for bashers to have a sounding board for their spinning of lies, hatred, deceit and innuendo, and it is also not a place for pumpsters to blast the board with dozens of "to da moon!!!" or "going to $1!!!" posts on a daily basis. I think most shareholders have expressed their excitement for the prospects of RFMK and some, including myself, have also raised doubts and concerns, but all within reason and keeping it fair and balanced. Nothing should "hurt" a board because the board should be agnostic. The boards role is not to be for or against any agenda. We are not company shills and we are not here to convince investors to either buy or sell. We are just simply discussing our opinions and thoughts on the company in the open, which is healthy IMO. Perhaps others on other boards are "over hyping" RFMK, I know here at IH, we are NOT. I also do not think we have been "...taking personal shots at others..." as was suggested. I know I have deleted posts over the last few weeks which have directly attacked other posters, so hopefully this is not going on much here, if at all, perhaps it does on other boards. There is a fine line between strongly disagreeing with the opinions of others and attacking them personally with verbal abuse.
I agree that the corp is in its infancy but growing rapidly. At the same time though, there is a saying, "sometimes you have to run before you can walk", which has its place in a certain context. I think Cheryl Shuman has been a MAJOR catalyst for the growth path for RFMK and her being on board with the company is HUGE and investors should be thanking their lucky stars for that. I think the CEO has done a tremendous job starting earlier in the year as CEO; massive accomplishments in very little time. However, shareholders always have complaints and there are areas which could show quicker improvement, etc, and IMO for me it is in the department of transparency and reporting. I think the quarterly filings are mickey mouse and pathetic (not the actual numbers but the way its presented) and some of it does not even make sense, like the 150 pref shares to Ironridge for $1.5M; needs more explanation. I think the audit is a GREAT STEP FORWARD for shareholders and I am excited about the prospects for getting fully reporting with the SEC and moving to the OTCBB, that should be great for the corp and the stock. I think the CEO has made mistakes with building expectations as to the timing of the 10K filing and then has dissapointed the market with constant delays, though they are out of his control allegedly. I think the Vinhaler site looks good but there are still issues and the official corp website STILL will not load and crashes my IE8 browser; have not been able to nav to site in over half a year. I think management needs to seriously take on the problem of massive marketing very very soon so that the gigantic inventory has a much better chance at selling out sooner rather than later. That would include a constant push for a greater number of distributors nationally and I have not heard anything on this lately. I also still would like the corp to explain how the Cumulus is in any way different than the V3 CannaCig besides appearance. If there is no difference and it is just branding, then fine, but I would just like some sort of product plan guideline maybe put into the 10K so investors can get a better feel for the entire picture and how the company plans to position the product line in the market. What is the strategy? Hopefully we will get answers soon but the key for investors is to not allow the wild silly PK fluctuations of the stock which are meaningless to alter their long term sentiment for the potential for the corp.