out of the box thinking is anathema to the powers that be because they want to retain control of every apparatus of power- and original ideas are seen as a threat to their brainwashing of the populace-and so will have scores of post 911 off the books and off the constitution black op security agencies looking over your shoulder.
Mr Murphy has had his hand in the mex govt's ever changing stricter requirements for iron exports the last 2 years-coinciding w CWRN becoming a producing company. As part of that stricter regimen the requirement to treat the fert as an iron export product is probably a new one that from all the evidence took them by surprise -thus delaying planned shipments.
The govt 's purpose is to catch the illegal south mainland mines-as Bob said a long time ago-which ship without taxes etc. The real problem is the mex govt does not control those wild west areas on their southern border w a populace hostile to the central govt. Analog to USA forces trying to control portions of vietnam or the poppy fields of afghanistan- control only exists at the moment and place where there are boots on the ground and the mex govt does not have the boots on the ground to control that wild west area. So they are trying to achieve via regulation what they cannot achieve by force. Analogous to those stupid fbi warnings on every video-criminals just ignore the warnings and continue w their business-cartels us those illegal mines to earn hard currency.
The govt 's response to that is absolutely ridiculous-punish legitimate exporters w ever changing rules-even requiring a series of audits after the new 2012 export permit was issued in jan see 6-25-12 PR.
Across the board over the entire country instead of concentrating on the illegal mines. Such a protocol is unheard of-analogous to the USA instituting post 911 aircraft ban for a week prior to 911!!! Mex doesnt have such a national security threat and yet in these stricter regs imposing a regimen across the country is extremely overbroad- merely highlighting their ineptness in dealing w the illegal mines while hurting thier economy.
as per Rockets email from Shirley they were expecting fertilizer export license by early November
so unless the govt has dreamed up a new way to delay on top of all the already unprecedented govt requirements and political situations,they may have the fert export license by now-
which means they could ship I think 135k-150k tons fertilizer plus whatever else has been produced re fert since June-
to Portland Oregon-closest port to OMRI's Eugene HQ-OMRI being the largest west coast distributor of organic fertilizer-and we publicly heard a long time ago that they expected a load of fertilizer to be going to Portland,Oregon
nice to have that diversification (plus the cement trucking to Ensenada) given the ups and downs of the iron market