I was doing some out of the box thinking again just for schitts & giggles, and managed to raise even my own eyebrow.. LOL! I own around .00033% of the authorized shares. Now if CWRN was to go out of business tomorrow, and just sell what they have stockpiled, assuming around 600,000 tons by now, at today's spot price, and split up the sales check among shareholders, my portion would be over $23000. Even though I paid a high prie for my stock, it would still be a 200% return. 300% if we only go by authorized shares.. LOL! Just like having money in the bank if the stuff ever starts hitting the boats.. Right now I wish that permit thing would have never been mentioned until it was a fact, seeing as how quickly a timeline can get screwed up, down there.. LOL! Had to go back on the high test blood pressure pills after the second week of Nov.!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Fingers crossed and hopes high we hear something soon..