I expect we got shorted because yesterdays volume was an attempt by traders and flippers to prematurely instigate a run. Their attempt failed, and now they will be shorting the stock to hedge themselves from losses if they sell prematurely. They're just trying to manipulate the PPS, It's possible the insiders won't load over .002 at this point so they could be shorting to try and reign in the price, to sort of send the message that anyone trying to manipulate the price and try to make a quick buck from it will be thwarted, but of course I am just speculating.
I would rather accumulate under .002 and then rapidly explode to pennyland in an instant than be walked back up to .004 to just be whacked back down to .002. Just let it sit low and accumulate, no need to prop up the PPS artificially so traders can make a quick buck. Profit starved short terms and weak longs will sell to us and give the strong hands a chance to accumulate more cheap shares into their growing positions.