For all of the anti Kma posts since coming back on the greys, I have yet to have seen any proof of anything fraudulent on the part of our CEO. The only fact that they can post up is the fact that the sec stepped in on trading. If they had any kind of facts of wrong doing they would post it every hour. They have no special connection to information or they would use it. I am thinking while there may be a connection to an outside source to some of these posters, the rest are more likened to the masses that are convinced they are doing good in what ever name suits their need. This one would be to save the new investors. There are some that have stayed and posted as we would call it, the basher side. I do not think these people post to liken themselves to the bashers, but they feel they are truly doing good. But again, after all of the rah rah that these people did in the past for Kma, now they post like the others of the downfall of Kma without regard to the DD that they have looked over for the past year. According to that DD they invested and expected to reap the rewards of their investment. A trip to the greys without explanation at this point and all the previous DD became all a lie to them. Seemingly turned in an instant. I believe these are the true sheep. We are not in denial as they would have all believe. I for one have been looking into this as I do not have my head in the sand. If it is something less than what we have been lead to believe, then I would be slowly selling off. And I would not post about it. Or post for that matter. I have bought more. Going off the facts and information available to us at this time, I see no reason to doubt the man and I will take him at his word.
For those who had the patience and where kind enough to read my rant tonight, thank you. Good luck to all. Have a great weekend.
I will go back to humor, promise.