yeah it is disturbing to see how far one is willing to take a point and to defend such ridiculous claims. I can't understand how someone who takes profit and invests in blue chip, runs a company and deals with people can behave in this manor all for guts an
this isn't about defending joe public anymore it's more like a personal vendetta. A person who makes profit from a penny several times according to him flipping it wouldn't seem angry. I mean why would someone only admit this now?? it's like he's got something to prove? I think he took a huge hit and sold off. heck If I flipped this many times and was all pro kmag in the beginning and now turned all righteous? would make me believe he's no sincere at all.
How can a man be so bitter. it's no one else's fault but one's own ignorance. He doesn't have any more proof that Kmag is a fraud then any of us right now otherwise. What we do have is DD which he does not, and often with exaggerated claims with inaccurate insufficient information.
Its clear to see how easy a new investor could led to belief he's right. when he's not.
I think the most sensible person posting on the site is Garyst. He has un bias posts.