Agree, I do, Topps!!
Very soon IMO their worries may be over because we are nearing the end game here and once the 10K is filed the stock could very well move up big time, especially if afterwards the stock moves up to the OTCBB, at which point the shorting basher manipulators will be forced into covering and they will no longer have to spend sleepness nights worrying about their risky short positions in RFMK. Eventually the same tactics used over and over again on message boards in order to try to sway sentiment and persuade others that they should not trust management and fear the stock eventually become old hat and known, so followers realize that its all just smoke and mirror tactics used by the manipulators and they finally quit buying into the spin zone. I dont think any basher group can or should convince themselves that they can successfully manipulate the same group of people for months on end with the same twisted lies and deceit they use. Eventually the tactics become known and their convincing power fades. Their tactics work on the weak minded and once those weak hands are out of a stock, the game has been played out, the only ones left are the true loyal longs who have the force as their ally, and a strong ally it is! I suspect once we complete the end game here in RFMKs break out of the Pinks then these bashers will either move on and get re-tasked to attack some other PK startup or else no longer have a job. Then again, do we assume too much in thinking that they have jobs?! Perhaps many or some of them are just using the asylum's internet station or the old folks home's computer lab while they munch on cheese and crackers and sip lemonade before putting their teeth back in.
Either way, it is rather amusing that anyone in their right mind even takes those individuals seriously of whom have an obvious agenda.