Forgot to mention... I have a feeling that the 24/7 bashers of RFMK are likely paid by Fairhills Capital because the talk is they are incredibly short RFMK stock and manipulating the PPS because of all their illegal shennanigans with their illegally dumped 504D shares which may have caused the DTC chill. I guess it kind of makes sense. Hmmmmm...
The Fairhills bashers must really be worried. They are now coming over to IH to bash. Ihub is not helping much anymore. They can't scare anybody out of shares!!! Fairhills knows what the Longs know. The 10K Audit is about done. Any day now. Fairhills has to many RFMK shares to account for. Fairhills is in big troubls. The bashers have let them down. I hope kenco and kels can find another job. They will need one very soon. And to the other 10 basher names. ALL 3 of you good luck. You will need it. I am still amazed that at 2:00 in the morning with nobody posting. You can post something on the baosrd and a minute later a basher has replied to you. HMMMM!!!!! But they still did not do thier job. RFMK HAS WON!!!! Just a few more days.