Great DD? Huh? The poster was asking questions for which the answers are directly in most of the filings. If you think that browsing to a few online filings and asking questions for which the answers are obvious then I have some Florida swamp land you may be interested in.
The poster stated, "...Tom stated that they had an office in LA..." but actually it was merely a reference to a note to shareholders listing how the money they raised planned to be spent. Actually if you look closely at the filings there is a small difference in the depreciation values between the Q1 filing and the Q3 filing which could easily account for the alleged $8,000 spent on offices. I would not call this item an inconsistency or a lie, quit spinning deception here. It is only for the weak minded.
I myself do not applaud weak attempts at attacking management by way of flooding the board with a myriad questions about minute details in the unaudited quarterly filings, of which themselves are easily answered and mostly the answers already known. I am of the opinion that the 10K will silence all of the suspicion. But of course I am sure there will still be some who will take particular excerpts of the details in the filings out of context and spin them in a suggestive manner to try to make innuendos and deceit instead of making real claims and arguments and backing them up with proof. Weak.