Yes, a good rebuttal to the rather weak points which were stated in favor of that company's products.
"We feel that the coconut based lozenge is a superior method of delivery."
If that is their opinion, then fine, but the mechanism of THC delivery via oral ingestion versus inhalation drastically changes the qualitative effects of the medication as well as the biochemical effects. There are many out there who I imagine would want to inhale the medication and feel the immediate effects and be exposed to a rather different overall experience than by way of oral ingestion. I think there is an obvious disregard also for how important is the behavioral act of smoking on something. Just as 90% of taste is smell and so people enjoy eating mainly because it is relaxing to smell the food and ingest it orally, there is also a major component in smoking as regards the act of putting something in ones mouth and puffing and receiving the immediate calming medication; this cannot be down-played. Most smokers trying to quit will tell you that even after no longer being physically addicted to nicotine, they still crave the habitual act of smoking.
"Governments shun inhalation, even vaporizing, and the side effects may not be noticed for 20 years..."
This is just speculative nonsense. Governments do not shun generic "inhalation", they absolutely LOVE the tobacco industry because it gives them massive political donations as well as gigantic tax proceeds. The government could not care less if people combust or vape, as long as whatever they are doing leads to massive profits for the companies and those companies in turn pay gigantic tax bills to the government, then all is good. As for alleged side effects of vaping, well, vaporization has not really even been around for 20 years (on a large scale as it is now) so this is just total speculation, there may not even be any side effects, not to mention that after 20 years of doing anything, trying to correlate that act to some health issue after 20 years of normal life is very daunting; the health issue could have been caused by a myriad of possible causes in the average 20 years of ones average life. Besides, the glycol medium in most substrates used for the average vaporizers do not necessarily have to be used for the new model of the Vapor Inhaler because it can vape raw plant matter and other oil formulations, so at that point we are only talking about THC and water vapor which I would think should be just fine for the lungs, nasal cavity, throat and trachea to absorb.
" ....Furthermore, we can adjust the cannabinoid profile for our lozenges to provide a wide range of beneficial effects"
The substrate used for vaporization can also just as easily be adjusted to provide a wide range of effects. Lozenges are not unique in this regard.
I find the statements rather weak as regards trying to make the case that lozenges are the future and are overall better for THC consuming users. I do think there is room in the overall industry for all kinds of products though of course each management team will attempt to draw distinctions about their product from all the other products in the marketplace.