Lozenge: A small, medicated candy intended to be dissolved slowly in the mouth to lubricate and soothe irritated tissues of the throat.
Per David Tobias:
"We feel that the coconut based lozenge is a superior method of delivery. Governments shun inhalation, even vaporizing, and the side effects may not be noticed for 20 years... ....Furthermore, we can adjust the cannabinoid profile for our lozenges to provide a wide range of beneficial effects."
With That said, does anyone know if these coconut lozenges contain sugar and what sort of long term effect they will have on your mouth (mainly your teeth).
I have been smoking marijuana for over 20 years. Which is much more harse on the mouth throat and lungs then vaporizing is and my family doctor will tell you that I have not experienced any long term effects.
So this statement, "Governments shun inhalation, even vaporizing, and the side effects may not be noticed for 20 years," in my opinion, is somewhat irresponsible with an obvious agenda...
Hector Android
“That genius, killing time yellin' at your alter ego
Excuses spinning lies; all, to live that sunshine we know”