On the one hand,Leo has repeatedly said he will keep shareholders updated as soon as they have anything.I have to stick with that unless told otherwise.
He knows exactly what we're looking for this early in the trials.(He's a shareholder too)
On the other hand,you know what will happen when this info is released,Dana Farber's switchboards will be overloaded with phone calls by everyone from cancer patients , to other researchers to other hospital professionals to cancer foundations to news reporters , ad infinitum.
CTIX will probably get the same on their end too.
If there is any "hold up" of info,it will likely have something to do with that "pressure" and huge exposure that will continue to build over the course of the trials.They have to look out for the best interests of the patients and staff who will be under the spotlight at that point.
There has to be a balance here though.Shareholders DO have to know sooner than later to avoid suspicion and negative rumors (Not that WE will be that way but WE can't speak for everyone else either).
So where do "They" draw the line? How do they manage a potential stampede of reporters and /or investors?They have to be prepared for that.