It's certainly a possibility! However, keep in mind all of the things going on right now, Leo is patient and knows the longer he waits for more data to come flowing in, the stronger his hand is when it's time to make the phonecall to big pharma to start the negotiations.
Think about it, with the DF trial just starting, the Pfizer co-op just about to kick into gear, the leukemia trial in Europe just being written up as we speak, and Prurisol trial likely to get going Q1/Q2 2013, I think all of this is likely to come to a head at earliest summer 2013, most likely into the fall months. We see how things get delayed sometimes too, so I am counting on there being a few bumps in the road here and there.
I honestly think if Leo wanted, a buyout could happen ina few months once there is some solid data from DF, but Leo understands very well the implications of letting all of these different trials and catalysts play themselves out. Don't forget, the guy has millions of shares, I don't think he will rush anything, even if we do get fast tracking right to Phase 3 with the DF trial.
It's all about getting the most value out of each compound, and with all the exciting developments going on, it takes time to coordinate them all, get the data together in a coherent way, and have a compelling and powerful story to bring to big pharma at the negotiating table.
Exciting times ahead!