Might need Adobe flash or something . I just click on the arrow and it starts playing.. I did some more snooping and discovered they will customize these things for each mining or laydown situation. It is possible to stack 250,000 tons with one setup if you have the space to do it. I'm already having thoughts of three of these sending individual tyoes of ore away from the tromel/screeners/crushing area. If CWRN were to center this machine in the middle of the mine they might not have to to move it again for months as long as we had product going out the door. Just haul from one end of the pile while stacking on the other and vica versa.. It would free up at least one articulated truck and loader for sure, to load and haul iron to the crushers
. And I get goose bumps thinking how easy it would make life at the port if we had our own conveyor loading setup. We could even rent it out to the scrap iron company when they have a ship to load. We might even be able to dredge the east and south sides of our end of the water access with a standard dragline crane which would be about 5 times cheaper than the barge mounted one. But knowing how the real world works I don't dare get my hopes up for any of this stuff, but the possibilities are mind boggling.. Just 2 shipments could cover everything and still leave a nice nest egg to boot..
If it were me, I would load up a ship on my own dime and park it just outside China somewhere, and put an ad in the paper for one day delivery of high grade ore.. That should get a few takers.. LOL! Especially if ore prices surged a couple days in a row..