WRONG sorta! It has taken Marc over 10 months to find an accounting firm!
Gold Coast Mining Announces Corporate Update
Dec 21, 2011
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Additionally, the Company is in the process of securing a legal and accounting team to audit the Company’s books and records. This team will work expeditiously to make Gold Coast a fully-reporting company and move to the OTC Bulletin Board Listing Teir. It is important that the Company seek to upgrade its listing status as its mining activities progress. This will make capital in the future not only easier to obtain, but cheaper to the shareholders.
Jan 12, 2012
OTC Disclosure & News Service
The Company continues to interview for a legal and accounting team to audit the Company’s books and records. The goal is to make Gold Coast a fully-reporting company and move to the OTC Bulletin Board Listing Teir. This move is important for the Company as its mining activities progress. The ability to access capital for additioanl projects will not only increase substantially, it will be cheaper to the Company and its shareholders.
GDSM will be required to submit 2 10Qs as part of the up list process. Since each quarter is 3 months, that is 6 months right there!
Another company that I am following is now 10 months into the up listing process and not there yet. And they don't have all the problems that GDSM has, like late filings and years with no filings!