That's a great photograph, bumper! Keep posting it from time to time, because that picture & the DD behind it is one of the big reasons why I ever started wanting to buy into kmag in the first place, and why I am still wanting to buy in to it, even now! And hopefully, by the 15th of November, if the prices stay down here where they are now, I might be able to pick up another 500,000 or so shares of KMAG stock! PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP! Just be patient & have faith that the LORD will ULTIMATELY give JR & his company, and so therefore, all of us, THE VICTORY!
So, just remember how from the fall of 1939, after GERMANY started WW2, by entering Checkoslovakia & the SUDATENLAND, that it took the LORD just about 6 years of working through the good people of the world to overcome the evil & bad people of the world, of the which kind of people, MMG & i-hub apparently seem to be too much a part of! IMO. Jaime