Hello, jspax! With regards to this following remark of yours:
''Am I wrong here? Ever since the suspension, the number of new people bashing on the board over there is an obvious sign of an inside job....''
It is/they are most definitely a part of an insider's job, and the 2 insiders are minnypoo as the main culprit, and i-hub as in a secondary role, actually following (probably) the directives of MMG.
So, what we all earnestly need to do is to pray for the LORD GOD to defeat MMG & (now) i-hub of what they are & have been trying to do to JR & his company, KMAG, and therefore, us, too!. For if they can destroy JR & his company, and therfore, all of us common shareholders, then they will! For money is their god, and they don't care one whit how many people they might hurt along the way in the doing of that, other than themselves, of course!
But in addition to the making of money, and a lot of it, being a big part of the problem, I don't personally believe that THAT is all of the problem, or the only problem. And what I mean by that, is simply how a great deal of the problem gets back to about 2009 when MMG first approached JR & made financial overtures to him, and how rich they could make him, if he would just go along with them, and play their game their way. But he rebuffed them, being a man of integrity & of good moral character, that he reportedly is, and told them to stick it (or so I might imagine!) The which didn't set too well with whoever it was that was thus being turned down, and so THE WAR BEGAN! IMO.
MMG, is, in fact, a very powerful, big, & well heeled stock promo organization, that has i-hub under its heel, also, because of a lawsuit judgment that was given to them against i-hub a couple of years ago..
I had a much longer post than this one, in the which I was gonna lay things out pretty well since February of 2010, at least from my perspective, but I somehow or other lost all of the material that I already had typed out, and so, now, I just don't feel like going back to try & type it out all over again. So, FWIW 2 U. If JR has been telling the truth all along, and presenting nothing but the true facts & figures of the company all along, then we shall prevail & ultimately have the victory! And most of us true longs, to the best of my knowledge, still feel this way about JR, basically speaking. This is not to say that he hasn't done anything wrong, or made an inadvertent error or two, but only that he hasn't done anything in a knowingly underhanded, deceitful, crooked way, as have & do m-- & I-HU-. AND AS ALL WE TRUE LONGS ALSO KNOW, the detractors & malefactors have most definitely tried to punch holes in the story about the basically good integrity & morality of our CEO Jeff Reid & his company, but so far, without any success!