YES SIRG does have some very talented peope and several of them have many years and are highly experienced in the mining industry.
Michael Rowland, Member #225364 of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Ausimm) and Qualified Person (Q.P.) for the form 43-101F1; Private consultant in mining geology including photo geology, geotechny, and hydrogeology. He served as Project Manager in the Dynasty gold field, exploring and drilling for gold, silver and copper. Prior to 2004, he worked for companies such as COGEMA from France, RUMICURI from Ecuador, ECUASAXON and Minera Australiana from Canada and Australia, Vicente Coronel Compania from Ecuador, Petro-Canada, Fougerolle from France, Coyne et Bellier from France, and the Department of Commerce of France. He received a Geologist Engineer degree in 1973 from Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador, a Master degree in Geology from Dijon University, France, in 1961, and a Bachelor degree in Geology from Paris University in 1960. His skill and extensive experience in exploration and exploitation phases of mining operations qualify him to serve as a director.