With the USA China Japan and Europe all competing to see who can increase the money supply the fastest, this should and has so far boded generally well for commodity prices-and the big 3's stock has risen.
One of the reasons for increasing money supply, especially for China-,as part of its currency manipulation,is to make exports cheaper to improve trade balances,which strengthens the economy (at the expense of other nations-thus the currency wars) ,all things being equal.
As bingo noted in March they had had contacts with multiple steelmakers and multiple fertilizer entities,so we are waiting to hear of contracts and trucking re either one.
Whichever steelmaker is ready to order more after declining steelmakers inventories-and when they get their fertilizer export license apparently under new rules for such(thus they probably couldnt have gotten before because probably new requirements).
Remember Chinas ore averages only 15-20% concentration.
CWRN's waste of the waste of the waste-the fertilizer - tested by independent lab as 55.42-55.9% iron-which is now why they need the export license for fertilizer-effectively treated as an iron ore export re need for an export license.