I think its great that AMS knows more than a certain "G(R)EEK" because AMS belongs 110% to Sunergy. It appears that some still don't get this and lurk around here for some reason or another. If Tantalus will do fine w/o SNEY, they should go have at it instead of of wasting time continually projecting sour grapes on these boards - this is so transparent. Its interesting seeing some associate themselves with "AMS" and then Tantalus...
The SNEY/Tantalus saga is in the past... so why can't they go do a "deal" with someone else? Who really gives a rats a$$ what they do at this point? I will bet a few at best so good luck.
I highly doubt that 100% of info related to whatever SNEY and "AMS" are doing is being circulated. TO ANYONE THAT THINKS SO, YOUR MIND IS FULL DISCARDED MUDDY TAILINGS. As for moving opts forward, there are options but obviously (based on comments on this board) some cannot reach this level of creativity.