1st of all let me say that I am very bullish on RFMK and have a large amount of shares. So I hope I don't lose any friends over this post.
But this is getting quite frustrating.
A little speculation here. Why is everybody worrying about MM's, bashers, people dumping, MoneyMike & all that other crap. We INVESTED in a COMPANY because of the massive potential it has. Not because we had good MM's on this stock, or because MoneyMike is on the scene or any other drama we created here. We INVESTED in a COMPANY.
None of these other things should ever be able to hold a good legitimite company down. If we are legitimite (which I 100% believe we are) then the stock price should reflect that. Shorters & MM's can't wreck a public company. It is on the companys shoulders to succeed or fail on their own merits. If they succeed, we will be rewarded, if they fail we will lose. It's pretty much that simple. No MM's or bashers would ever have been able to stop any 1 of the thousands of companies that are successfully trading on the stock market now. They succeeded on their own merits.
Lets try not to use every excuse in the book when the price goes down. It will succeed or fail on the merits of Tom & the rest of his company. The PPS is where it is because of what the company is doing & has done. It will go up or down for the same reason.
And kelseyf & the its will have nothing to do with it either way. Blaming everyone else is just a scapegoat for failure. They do not control our PPS destiny, RFMK does.
I am a poker player, & I learned a long time ago that if I blame my losses on other people, then I can't take credit for my wins either. You can't have it both ways. I succeed or fail in life because of the decisions I make, not because of everybody else. If I make $, it's because I made good decisions, if I lose $ it is because I screwed up. Not 25 other excuses. (i.e. - MM's, bashers etc.) The company is responsible for what is happening, & I made the decision to invest in the company because of my own DD. I will make or lose money because of my decisions.
We don't need scapegoats. Lets take responsibility for our own success or failure here.
Still long and strong!