Posted On: 04/03/2014 11:29:58 PM
Post# of 36729
Us shareholders did not ask to be misled or fed BS by well timed Pr's enticing some not to flip or to sell. After one year of accumulating and not selling a single share believing this management was being honest and as transparent as they could be I see how foolish I have been. Especially after the AVNE debacle which we still have yet to be updated on. Then comes this merger news, which comes after a year of other promising PR's (updates). None of which have materialized. Then the neglected fudiciary duty of management for the past twelve months. Then through DD we uncover all sorts of back door deals being arbitrated, (not in the best interest of shareholders) and settled at enormous benefits to those aquainted with the Hipple Gang. Crystal Falls made out like a bandit. Who is behind that deal? If Benz had any plans of bringing this company into being a industry leader he would not have forsaken the shareholders. I don't buy into him not having knowledge of all these self inflicted wounds by management. Since day one there has been not an individual in command to take responsibility for all their mistakes and short comings. I like most have stayed loyal only because of BBio. Yet these guys have produced life saving and altering products that others have been bringing to market and have received recognition for after our great team players of BBio. Weed1 and Weed2 have five brothers producing extracts helping thousands of patients.and being recognized on prime time tv. Our guys are still in the stealth mode. Management seems that it is more imortant to sell their Vape Pens Via Podcasts that are directed more to those that are recreational users vs: those that have medical needs! I would sure want the politicians to watch getting Doug Podcast to entice them see of our great business plan to help those suffering. (Not). I am embarrassed that the company and BBio, that has done miracles in helping those suffering from many of medical ailments would allow their hardwork and research be diluted and associated with stoners. I would be appaulled. (IMO). Benz has been there and witnessed all the unfavorable shenanigans these hipple gang characters have orchestrated. Yet he is willing to jeopordize his legal career by association. This merger is not in the best interest of anyone that invested into SKTO. I for one never bought a single share of AEGY because of their SS from the start. Allyn must not even be remotely associated with this anylonger or he would have had a voice somewhere within the last two quarters. I will be more than gladly to apologize to each and every board member if they proof me wrong. I have met several really decent individuals on this board that made me feel like an extended family member. Yet some of these family members have been playing their agenda's all along to benefit themselves.Sorry for all the negativity but I am not really sorry for voicing my honest opinion. we have been misled, lied to, kept in the dark, having our prize of BBio almost robbed from us and now going to have a merge forced on us that will further dilute our share structure and add more debt. Not to mention keeping us within reach of further sabotaging from the hipple Gang! I've liquidated almost 2/3rds of my core holdings because of managements deceitfulness. I am afraid that Benz will not or is unable to be rightous in this movement!

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