232.27% Gain for the Investors Circle portfolio! The numbers are in folks, and the board portfolio is now worth $10,800.68 on an investment of just $4,650.00. We are well on our way toward our goal of $25,000 by year end, and expect to do even better.
This week we sold our position in HIMR at .0004. Our entry point was .0001. I suggested investors should consider selling when the rumor spread that HIMR would be involved somehow in marijuana. This rumor is simply untrue. A third party HIMR is selling lumber to will use HIMR recovered timber to build hemp gardens and fences, as well as related buildings. However, HIMR will not be involved in marijuana growing, production, distribution, or anything else hemp related.
The Investors Circle portfolio is now down to just two companies, but if news is released on one or both this coming week, we expect this portfolio to explode. Fingers crossed for more good time ahead.
As always, investors must do their own due diligence and decide for themselves what stocks are best for them to buy, sell or hold.