Matty, yes, its getting exciting now for RFMK! Once the 10K hits I think many investors possibly who were just sitting and waiting on the sidelines would finally jump in head first with such transparency. Also the company would then have fully reporting status with the SEC which would pave the way for them to submit either an S-1 and/or 15c211, or whatever they need at this point to be reviewed for an uplisting. I think management should look into which OTC tier they wish to go for. I think getting quoted on OTCBB is great, however moving to tier OTCQB on the OTC markets would be really great; OTCQX is good as well. I think the 10K could give a boost to the PPS because of increased volume but I think what could move us into multiple penny land could be a future uplist. What is rather amusing for our situation is that the crony market participants cannot play their usual game of naked short selling because of the T4T. Hahahahaha! Ooops, time to make the donuts!