G Knight, I could not agree more. I too was thinking about a rebuttal to the docs comments, as in, every point of his was just a generic caution which could be applied to any form of drug or mal practice when taking care of children. I was thinking, those moms taking their MMJ medications are probably better off as far as dependency than those hooked on all of those nasty prescription drug cocktails! He was making the suggestion that there could be a danger to the child via the mothers possible behavior alteration on consumption of the cannabis, but the effect on the psyche is not exclusive to cannabis consumption, all of the dangerous prescription medications can easily be abused (and are abused) causing harmful effects on the psyche which could potentially lead to a dangerous situation for a child. Its just more spin and innuendo by the doctors who have become puppets of the big pharma kingdom (caste). Besides, media stories always go down the path of asking questions that are not necessarily the most pertinent things to be asking about the subject. They always want to be immune to taking heat from doing stories on contraversial subject matter so they always go down the path of asking (to have the appearance of being fair, unbias, balanced and responsible) what the dangers are for allegedly illecit behavior they are exposing. Really they should have gotten more in to what the moms alternatives are to their problems, if they have seen any positive or negative results from switching from prescription drugs to cannabis, etc, etc. Whatever was the spin put on by the doctor, I still think the raw exposure was a step in the right direction for the movement and it was not especially spun in a bad light, which was a great thing for the CannaCig.