It's amazing how we share the same beliefs. My only contention is that when Tom does not attain the goal on time, he should provide a shareholder update allay the concerns of the LOngs and put a damper on the boo-birds. For example, there are those who have spoken or e-mailed Tom in the past two weeks and they believe that the 10k is not only complete; but, has passed audit. If so, this is a good thing. If not, we should have some idea of where we are going with this.
The nature of trading the past few days is indicative of an uncomfortable "I'm from Missouri" attitude. The posters on Ihub are coming in and out so it's hard to get a handle on support. The bashers are changing names & styles for their onslaught except crowin who is a total dork.
I was shocked today that their was minimal response to the CBS piece. Your review was so spot on anyone with common sense should have gone ballistic. But, the market opened down 2 points which is a total farce and an MM set-up. This was obviously set up to scare those ready to jump in. If you check out the daily activity you'll see the silly games being played with no apparent direction. Scary???
It appears that the 10k news will be the catalyst to finally drive the PPS. I would be at a total loss if it doesn't. I am looking for major PR's from Tom starting tomorrow or a shareholder update to bring some understanding of our position.
Anyhoo, thanks for your always well thought out efforts. As long as we have folks like you on board, we can keep the proverbial "chin up" or as Dunc says "cheers".
Best to you