cool, are you implying by "somebody knows something" that Citadel will go long? You and I were PM'ing on Ihub about the possibility of NSS months ago. IMO all we see from the MM's and Hedgies is NSS. That theory could be based on the fact of where else would they find the shares to drive the PPS from the high 4's to the mid 3's within three months of such low volume.
Longs aren't selling so we can only assume it's phanthom shares. Another possibility is releasing some of the additional A/S 200mm shares into the market but the volume is again too low for dilution. I'm not going to bother to look at the historical volume charts right now and count three months of volume but my memory and gut suggests that the weekly volume hasn't been enough for certificated shares to be driving the price down 1.5 cents versus if all trades were just typical buys, sells and typical shorting. Anotherwards, equal number of shares bought and equal number of shares sold or shorted should keep the PPS stagnant yet is has dropped 1.5 cents over a period of three months.
On July 2nd the PPS was .035. Today we range in the .035 and again; volume has been very low. Manipulation is very obvious and I know management knows this. My gut tells me that Gwyn knows what to do about it if nobody else does. It's obvious that Treaty is pissed! They are suing the bashers, pumping the oil, stacking the PR's and pulling together their best financials to date for a nuclear bomb type of attack on the manipulation. Thats why those who are disturb by the lack of news need to understand the strategy to counter-attact a penny stock company that is under attack. Once the hedgies turn to the long side and additional institutional money comes into the long side; then Kaboom! Just my .035 cents worth. No pun intended!