RFMK looking quite good right now and setting up for what could be a great week for the stock.
The audit and the 10K filing on the horizon is a major positive for the company and the stock.
Cheryl's awesomeness is emanating her brilliance every day into all the corners of the market and its lighting up everything in sight! The CBS news piece promises to be major exposure for RFMK and the CannaCig!
The stock technicals are looking very bullish right now. The stochastics are pointing up and the PPS has been on the upswing on higher than average volume which is a very good sign of sustained buying interest.
The positive news about the institutional investment firm (funder) making an equity funding transaction with the company cannot be overstated and I think it has yet to really sink into the minds of those following the RFMK story. The firm took a major equity stake and any negative reactions about it based on faulty assumptions of dilution is just naive because in return for those shares (which are most likely going to be held KFG style by Ironridge) the company obtained gigantic funding and cash for operations. RFMK is now in a position to really accelerate growth and ramp up production and distribution in a big way because of this funding. The company has no debt or liabilities and now has about $1M in assets, of which about 60% of that is liquid cash (based on the 13G filing details).
The other part about dilution none of the negativists ever address is the point that the size of the O/S can only be perceived as bad if the eventual buying interest or level of buying is drastically less than the float. If amazing things happen for RFMK fundamentally and there is major exposure for the CannaCig, retail and institutional investors could come in droves falling over themselves to buy stock into the next big thing and that would make the size of even a large O/S not matter at all to the steepness of the rise of the PPS. Its all relative. I think too many of the bashers drinking the never ending dilution kool aid are potentially under-estimating the market of shares for the RFMK stock.
Uplisting this year could also be in the cards which would be HUGE!
Board of directors members to be announced, new line of products, larger order of the CannaCig!
... etc ... etc ... etc
The positives go on and on ... and yet the stock is still less than a third of a cent per share, its amazing!