Exactly, great points. Its a pack of jackals hunting in packs for weak micro cap stocks to bash, short, rip and rob. The entire site is just an internet scheme to prey on the weak minded and capture credit card data. The best advice is to just steer clear of it just as you would keep your distance from an area that you noticed emanating a smell of rotting and meldew. They talk about the slimey scum swamp of the pinky sheets market but all too often it is a tired old tale not about the majority of OTC stocks but instead their own underhanded tactics of the dark side they have allowed to consume their lives. If you are sharp, you can usually figure out the psychobabble mumbo jumbo they spew in order to attempt to manipulate sentiment. Indeed, it is amazing what posters will say on an internet message board (to further their own agenda).
Once you start down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny.