We all need to continue to do DD on the boards. If you get the chance, thank the person posting and continue with the onslaught of pointing out facts. Until we know differently, that is what we have to offer.
My whole point in going on the other board today was to hammer those adding insult to injury. Nobody except a shorter wants to see stock going down. I'm tired of all the bullshit that is allowed to fly over there, but I've been banned before, so I have to elegantly put goofy arguments in the trash. I was concerned two weeks ago before the CC as new faces started popping up to buy and were posting on the boards. It was nice seeing a push forward finally, but I don't trust the OTC period. The whole damn thing is counterintuitive at best, and complete horseshit at its worst.
I am tired of the same idiotic drivel about the auditor, about the numbers being audited or revised, about the dilution and all the SKY IS FALLING stuff always in caps. Until Martie shows me something different, I will continue to post what I consider to be quality due diligence and try to beat down the morons.
I hope Martie executes to plan, and gets us off this exchange. I expect 1Q14 numbers to be solid, and perhaps as much as last year entirely. Or maybe even close. Either way, the only thing that holds this stock back is lack of awareness. I think that once EWSI is auditable with huge gains in 2013, as well as a solid 2014, word will get out further.
This stock needs new eyeballs, and a bunch of them.