Grajekk, Wonderful post and in my opinion right on the money. This has been a wild ride for CWRN and longs. For me since 2009 some before. The rules of being a Pink Sheet tier company has allowed this by not having a requirement to file the fact is as Micro has said countless times this is a producing company with revenues which is unheard of in the majority of small cap companies most have a plan but no product or money just alot of PR noise to sell shares. Well we have product and money and silence. It is true that Bob has made numerous mistakes with this and has many questioning his motives, ability, heart and overall leadership skills.
I for one am hoping Q4 is big. Price of ore not withstanding. Bob has something to prove he has allowed bashers and naysayers to spit in our faces and walk our investment down because they were allowed to do so because of lack of transparency. Both financilas and these skeletons in the closet. Well it has created a perfect storm for a hero and champion to emerge. Bob I know you read these posts so Sir the spotlight is still on you and the 27th is quickly approaching. It is time for you to show all you had a plan and execute it. Longs do not deserve what has happened to our hard earned invested money and a leader doesn't leave his troops on the battlefield to defend and fight without arming them and giving direction. So Bob time is up time to take the bull by the horns or direct Shirley to do so but please lets see exactley what we have here. Clear up financials, uplist company do buyback of shares identify relationship with Geo Tech if any etc.... All of our problems stem from unkept PR'd promises and lack of transparency. Still long and even adding when I can but need our companies leadership to recover their fumble and get this in the endzone.
The longer you leave this the harder and longer it will take to fix. Kinda like weight loss. Takes years to put those extra pounds on thinking you could lose them in 30 days is nuts.