Posted On: 09/18/2012 7:42:25 AM
Post# of 43065

This was found:
Website revisions to the "Advantages" page. The below 3 lines have been removed from the text. I am somewhat surprised to see the first line removed -- perhaps monitoring and scrubber requirements for P2O differ in other jurisdictions (i.e. outside NY state), so they could no longer claim this?
Emissions are extremely clean, therefore the Company is not required to monitor emissions or install scrubbers on the stack.
The Petcoke residue is removed automatically and without shut down of the processor.
Fuel additives are injected in-line while the fuel is being produced.
Yet the Patent Pending Process page remains unchanged:
Patent Pending Process
JBI's Plastic2Oil processor has evolved significantly since inception. In its current configuration, the processor system is approximately 10’ wide by 120’ long, including the in-feed system, and 20' at its highest point.
General operations involve monitoring the control room screens and cameras to track each processor's operating parameters, as well as loading plastic onto the in-feed system.
The processor accepts unwashed, unsorted waste plastics, composites and commingled materials. Although many sources of feedstock are available, we are focusing initially on post-commercial and industrial sources, since these are readily available in large supply, and present a cost-effective solution for companies. We currently have several companies providing plastic feedstock.
The hopper is loaded with up to 4,000 lbs. of plastic feedstock per machine per hour using a forklift. The plastic is loaded into the pre-melt reactor by a continuous conveyor between the hopper and the reactor. The plastic is then heated using the off-gases produced by the process. After the plastic has been liquified in the pre-melt reactor it passes through a solids-liquids separator before going into the main reactor.
In the main reactor, the liquified plastic hydrocarbons are cracked into various shorter hydrocarbon chains and exit in a gaseous state. JBI's proprietary catalyst and unique process engineering enables us to capture an average of 86% of the hydrocarbon content of plastic. The Petcoke residue produced at this stage (approx. 2-4%) remains in the processor chamber and is automatically removed while the processor is in operation.
From the main reactor, the gases that are fuel oil and diesel are condensed and separated, then proceed into temporary fuel tanks. All of the gaseous "light fractions" or off-gases (approx. 10-12% of process output), such as methane, ethane, butane and propane, exit the system and are used to fuel the furnaces.
The fuel output is transferred to additional tanks for storage automatically by the system. Our automation system controls the conveyor feed rate, manages system temperatures and the off-gas compression systems, as well as periodically pumping out the newly created fuel to storage tanks. The P2O process is closed-loop.
John Bordynuik designed further enhancements to the P2O processor in early 2011, including two columns supporting 4 catalyst trays. In addition, he has added significant technology to downstream operations to guarantee fuel quality, along with installing an inline fuel additive injection system on both heavy and light fuel condensing systems. Bordynuik has also engineered a hot-tap residue removal process.
Quality control includes two columns for control and specificity of fuel fractions, a cyclone (particulate removal in vapor), fuel filters (particulate removal in liquid), and a centrifuge (additional redundant particulate trap), as well as column enhancements to guarantee particulate free fuel. Fuel additives are injected inline while fuel is being produced to increase their effectiveness. The new residue removal system works while the processor is running, so the reactor does not have to be cooled down or stopped to remove residue.
In Q2 2011, the Company modularized and standardized the system to racked reactors, feeders and towers. This reduced the system footprint to a few unique modules, making fabrication and installation for deployment simpler.
The fall months of 2011 were spent enhancing the P2O processor in preparation for the second air emissions stack test scheduled for December. Upgrades included the installation of low NOx burners and the addition of a pre-melt system to increase through-put volumes. The Company worked with third party fabricators to produce standardized reactors and towers and has received the assembled modules.
Many of the P2O process variations are unique to JBI and the Company has filed for international patent protection . The Company will continue to seek patent protection on subsequent innovations as they are developed and require protecting.


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