Don't know, other than the manipulation that is clearly evident. It seems most every penny I have been in ends up like this, accumulation, manipulation, etc forever..... it's like a pattern or something. Wish I had the answers as well. Again, I will say look at how it traded before the actual Punch & CC deals were proven by PR's. Look at it! It traded like it was supposed too, rising on the rumor, speculation, hunches, DD, STT interviews, countdowns, FB posts, etc.......
NOW, We have ALL this stuff signed & delivered by Steve (thanks Steve) but it trades like a POS! Just as soon as everyone thinks we are gaining momo for the next big run, it is whacked like there is NO tomorrow. It must be an organized attack by some group with some kind of vendetta or agenda. I agree with you as well that the revenue thing is over hyped and probably would not make much difference in the way it is currently trading. I honestly believe that this stock has somehow fallen into the hands of the criminals. The only hope for this to rise substantially, as stated before, is to remove the stock from this environment and uplist it. Steve has come through on Everything, & I do believe that this Will happen in due time. Till then, even with the so called saving grace (revenues) this will continue to be controlled by the undesirables.