For all of those that say, or agree with those that say, that it will take revenues to move this PPS higher… what do you base that on… a hunch, a gut feeling, or some data you can point to? I have said before that revenues and higher PPS’s are not necessarily related as tight as some may think. To back up my position, I only have to point to the countless numbers of mining and bio-med stocks that lose millions and millions, and their PPS steadily climb.
Don’t get me wrong… revenues are not a bad thing , and can only help this PPS, but I think whatever is holding this PPS back now, will still be there after the revenues roll in. Perhaps its just common consolidation, and/or accumulation… and hopefully when “they” get all the shares they want, the PPS will start its climb. However I question if there is not something else going on here. With all the excellent press releases, and all the good news, and although not huge profits yet, at least the company is not losing millions and millions like the mining and bio-med companies… this stock PPS should be higher than it is. I think everyone but maybe Rich could agree on that.
If we assume for a second that revenues are not the primary cause of the low PPS, I think it opens up the possibility of looking to other areas for explanations of the currently low PPS. There are those that point to “shorts” as the explanation, however as Perchy has demonstrated, if there are short positions, there are very few of them. And… if you were going to short a stock, why would you short a stock with a PPS of double zero’s? Seems to me a shorter would be taking a huge risk shorting this stock because of the upside possibility and or probability of a sudden increase in PPS given all the PR’s and infrastructure being built. Keep in mind that this is not a dollar stock where the profit for a shorter would be large if the PPS dropped from a dollar to say 10 cents… that would be .90 cents a share profit. How much profit could you hope to gain from a stock that was already at double zeros… you would need a bazillion shares to make it profitable. Then, if you had a bazillion shares and the PPS started to take off, how would you unload a bazillion shares in time to not lose a bundle.
I certainly don’t have the answers, only questions. I wish I had answers. I wish someone else could point to data, or provide references to explain why the PPS is this low with all this company has done, is doing, and will be doing very shortly. Maybe its just something simple like a few bashers hitting the bid when they see the PPS start to rise. However one would think that if there were more buyers then sellers, a few with bad intent could not manipulate the PPS as it appears to have been.
Your thoughts ???