"I am counting on Rauber who is counting on the guy"
The guys name is John Bordynuik, you have met him . John Bordynuik allowed you to come to the factory to take away fuel and you made a video of it. John Bordynuik the guy did that. John Bordynuik the guy developed this version of the technology that no one else has managed to make viable.
I came close to falling off my chair when you stated at the AGM that we have seen little evidence that P20 exists. LOL WHAT!!!! The guy answered you pretty swiftly since you made video starting your lawn mower with gasoline "the guy" made. The stock you hold is called JBII for John Bordynuik Inc. but now we'll call it TGII for the guy inc since your afraid to say his name. The guy is the guy who picked the new management team so "the guy" has been calling the shots.
Nothing in the JBII world happens unless "the guy" says so, You'd better get used to his name John Bordynuik, he's going to be around for a while, despite what some guys think