I fully understand the frustration. The variation in policies is irrational. However, mmj has reached critical mass, and everthing is changing quickly. It may also interest you to know that important media have gotten wind of Dharmanol.
The following article that critiques a recent university study may be of use in relation to the situation you describe and to Dharmanol™ and T-Hydrocan™.
LONDON – Studies have shown that marijuana not only helps fight the symptoms of treating cancer but also the disease itself. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, often gets the credit for battling cancer cells, but a new study shows that THC isn’t working alone.
The study conducted at St. George’s University of London, led by Dr. Wai Liu, examined six non-hallucinogenic chemicals found in marijuana, called cannabinoids. The study found that each of these chemicals showed anti-cancer properties as effective as THC. Furthermore, when these chemicals are used in combination, they have an even greater impact on cancer cells.
The anti-cancer properties of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary hallucinogenic component of cannabis, has been recognised for many years, but research into similar cannabis-derived compounds, known as cannabinoids, has been limited. Of six cannabinoids studied, each demonstrated anti-cancer properties as effective as those seen in THC. Importantly, they had an increased effect on cancer cells when combined with each other.
Dr Liu said: “This study is a critical step in unpicking the mysteries of cannabis as a source of medicine. The cannabinoids examined have minimal, if any, hallucinogenic side effects, and their properties as anti-cancer agents are promising. These agents are able to interfere with the development of cancerous cells, stopping them in their tracks and preventing them from growing. In some cases, by using specific dosage patterns, they can destroy cancer cells on their own.”
Opponents of medical marijuana often claim that the drug is unnecessary because of synthetic drugs like Marinol. However , Marinol contains only (synthetic) THC and none of the other cannabinoids proven to fight cancer, so it delivers only a fraction of the benefits that medical marijuana has to offer.
More info:
D. Gold
"Cannabinoid medicine in larger doses works in several different manners. Malignant cells are killed while adjacent healthy cells are strengthened. Healthy cells are induced to die on schedule (apoptosis), and the rate that cancer spreads (metastasizes) is greatly limited. I really believe that our new Dharmanol™ preparation will enable a cancer patient to take 10 or more times the cannabinoids that are recommended in Simpson therapy, and there may well be no cancer that can stand up to this kind of treatment in an otherwise-healthy individual. Everything we have seen in this field of research indicates that this may well be true." - D. Gold
"On observing the positive results that patients are receiving with standard Simpson therapy, most people studying cannabis medicine agree that if the dose could be increased ten or a hundred times , its already substantial efficacy against cancer will be similarly enhanced. Now this is possible thanks to the removal of the 'high' from the cannabinoids in the production of Dharmanol™." -D. Gold
LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwired - Nov 25, 2013) - SK3 Group, Inc.'s (OTC Pink: SKTO) subsidiary Medical Greens announces its newest product, T-Hydrocan™, a new medicinal cannabis product line. While the focus of SK3's Berkeley Bio's endeavors lies in the development of potential treatments for cancer utilizing non-psychoactive elements of the cannabis/hemp plant, as reflected in the recently-announced Dharmanol™ product line, many patients have found considerable benefit from oral administration of THC, the psychoactive element found in the cannabis / hemp plant, when used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions.
A synthetic version of THC, Marinol™ has been available by prescription for many years, and is prescribed to remediate the pain and nausea from cancer and the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Interestingly, Marinol™ is routinely prescribed to cancer patients, and those who also have access to similar natural cannabis products greatly prefer the natural products over the synthetic pharmaceuticals.
T-Hydrocan™ tablets contain the psychoactive element THC, as well as the complete array of cannabinoids that are naturally present in the cannabis / hemp plant. In addition to the cannabinoids, T-Hydrocan™ tablets contain a steam-distilled extract of cannabis / hemp, containing the natural terpenes and terpenoids which work synergistically with the cannabinoids.
Several different versions of T-Hydrocan™ will be offered, adjusting the basic T-Hydrocan™ formula for different applications. T-Hydrocan™ Whole-Plant™ will contain psychoactive, decarboxylated THC, as well as the entire array of related medicinal elements found in the cannabis / hemp plant. T-Hydrocan™ Citrolene™ will contain a healthy dose of the terpene d-Limonene, which attaches to the same receptors as do tranquilizers such as Valium and Xanax, adding a natural relaxing element to the medicine. T-Hydrocan -- CBD™ will add an amount of CBD equal to the THC.
The T-Hydrocan™ line of cannabis-based medicinals will be available through the dispensaries and collectives that have partnered with Medical Greens' wholesale managed collectives.
"We are pleased to add this new product to the arsenal of products available through Medical Greens to fight cancer and we look forward to adding many more," said President Artemus Mayor. "We expect this product to contribute significantly to the growth of the Company as it meets this underserved market."
SKTO's Medical Greens Announces Start of Distribution of Dharmanol™
LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwired - Dec 13, 2013) - SK3 Group, Inc's (OTC Pink: SKTO) subsidiary Medical Greens is pleased to announce that the first batch of Dharmanol™ has been manufactured and is ready to be rolled out for California distribution.
Dharmanol™ (pronounced DAR-mah-nol) will be available in two forms: low-dose, non-psychoactive tablets and high-doses directed to cancer.
The low-dose, non-psychoactive tablets can be taken daily as a nutritional supplement to stimulate the endo-cannabinoid system, an internal system which controls and regulates many other bodily systems such as immune response. Much research has shown that there is substantial medicinal benefit in "stimulating" a compromised endo-cannabinoid system with cannabinoids, causing the other systems to work as they should.
At the opposite end of the spectrum is using Dharmanol™ for cancer. Very large doses can be taken daily with no psychoactive effects. On observing the spectacular results that patients are receiving with standard Simpson therapy, most scientists studying cannabis medicine agree that if the dose could be increased ten or a hundred times , its already substantial efficacy will be greatly increased. Now this is possible thanks to the removal of the "high" from the cannabinoids in the production of Dharmanol™.
These tablets contain an array of the most beneficial non-psychoactive cannabinoids. Each tablet will contain 5 mg. of CBD, 5 mg. of mixed cannabinoids in their non-psychoactive form (known as mixed carboxylates) and 5 mg. of a steam-distilled mixture of the natural terpenes and terpenoids found in cannabis and hemp. The terpene element is thought to be responsible for the increased medicinal efficacy of "whole plant" cannabis preparations. The specific recipe is proprietary to Medical Greens.
"These products are game changers for patients," said SKTO President Artemus Mayor. "Now patients can accurately regulate their dosing with medication, without any worry of the psychoactive effects, or high, that is the natural byproduct of existing products on the market. We are fortunate that our team has been among the first to be able to enhance the consumer, and patient, experience in this manner."