Yes. The bashers are out in full force this weekend, (I am sure many of us know the real reason why...), ranting about the THC Scientific application for a federal trademark of "CannaCig". This is a non-issue, again, as was already brought up mid August. The government trademark process concentrates more on first use in actual commerce of a label or brand than merely which business spends the money to actually go after landing the official trademark. Read the text in the links below for further explanation. -
"According to the United States Patent & Trademark Office website, "federal registration is not required to establish rights in a brand. Common law rights arise from actual use of a brand name. Generally, the first to either use a mark in commerce or file an intent to use application with the Patent and Trademark Office has the ultimate right to use and registration."
Note to bashers and THC Scientific ... Oops , oh well, try again.