You have not been representing yourself very well here N-B and furthermore, I understand perfectly how the market works. I need no help in this area I assure you. Thanks for looking out for my best interest.
You continually insult my intelligence and the boards intelligence N-B. To think that I and others have not exhausted the very thing you continue to harp on. It's insulting really for you to think you need to bring the obvious to this board. We overlooked Everyone has already digested this information on a individual basis. What DUTV did stunk, you /me and others would have taken another approach. others haved moved forward with more meaning with full dialog long long ago N-B.
No one would argue what has happened to us. Everyone gets it sir ! FULLY
I have all your post N-B and you clearly state you would sell half to take the sting out if certain deadlines continue to fall through the cracks, or you will give GM 5 more days and your out, or this companies is toast. This was said months ago.
See N-B I don't want to go down the road of congruency and why you are still in or your lack of your own follow through. Truthfully, I'm glad your still in, and maybe just once for once we can breath but that's on GM shoulders.
We all have the same goal, we all feel the same frustration but have chosen not to wear it on are sleeve.
This is only one area of many why this board is important N-B. I'll say it has offered so much to so many good people; not just one person looking for the truth. This board is a little more than that. It's not your basic ihub. It has been everyone's tool, a resource for many on both sides and it carries a level of respect and a positive tone with it. It differentiates itself from ihub. Surely you see this as well.
Let us not tarnish this that has been great for everyone on both sides.
N-B there are many things to occupy oneself with while waiting on the CEO; cat videos, poor music videos.... you get the pitcher.....was not insulting your music...okay yes I was. It's so old
One could be a contributor with positive and meaningful dialog. We are all of equal intelligence here I assure you. That's a fact not my opinion.
I'm not old !
I woke up,
I lifted my arms,
I moved my knees,
I turned my neck...
CrrrrrrrrraaaaaccccK !
I came to a conclusion :
I am not old,